What to Expect

The Lord's Day

Since the resurrection of Christ Jesus, God's people have gathered on the first day of the week known as the Lord's Day or the Christian Sabbath. As we gather we do so to rejoice in the Triune God, be nurtured by the means of grace (Word, Prayer, Ordinances), and to fellowship with one another.

We would love for you to join us:

Morning Service: Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Elder-led Prayer: Sundays at 4:00 p.m.

Elder Led

Deer Park Fellowship is led by a plurality of male elders (1 Timothy 3:1-7) who provide spiritual/pastoral care and oversight for the members of the church.

Expositional and Confessional Preaching

We preach through the Bible and reverence it as certain, sufficient, and infallible. We believe that all of Scripture testifies about Christ who came to seek and save the lost. Expository preaching is a method of preaching, teaching and application in which the primary emphasis is on the living Triune God’s intended meaning of any given text. By “confessional” we mean a method of interpretation that gives due consideration to the reformed tradition particularly expressed in The Second London Baptist Confession of Faith (1689). In short, the preaching ministry at Deer Park Fellowship emphasizes faithful exposition of the Bible and is informed by the doctrinal clarity and theological consistency of the reformed tradition.

Baptist Covenant Theology

Since humanity broke the covenant of works and brought itself under a curse, it pleased the Lord to make a covenant of grace offered to sinners through the person and work of Jesus Christ. This covenant of grace is revealed in the gospel first to Adam and then in fuller steps until it was completed in the New Testament. The covenant of grace is based on the eternal covenant transaction between the Father and the Son concerning the redemption of the elect. Those who are in the covenant of grace are regenerate and the outward sign of baptism by immersion is to be given to them upon a profession of faith. (Language lifted from LCF 7)

Biblical Optimism

We have a firm belief that Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth. He is ruling. He is reigning. Therefore, we worship, in light of Christ's authority and we are optimistic that God's plan to build his church will be successful.

Intentional & Secure Children's Ministry

Our Kids Ministry Care opens each week after the congregational singing portion of our service. The program is for ages 6 months through 1st grade. Children will get free playtime, an age-appropriate lesson, and craft. We have a secure check-in approach for parents; each of our volunteers goes through a background check and abuse training before onboarding and we have a security team that patrols the area during the service. Additionally, we have security cameras in each room available to view in the atrium and monitored by the security team. Please check in your child and get any questions answered before the start of the service.

Family Worship

For children 8 & up or families that choose not to use children’s ministry, we welcome the noise that comes from kids into our service. Not everything from a church service is understandable for 8 and up, but we want to help parents train their children to learn the rhythm of gathering each Lord's Day and we are confident that they will grow in their knowledge and love for the Lord by God's grace.


We love people. You will find Deer Park Fellowship a place where you feel welcomed and wanted. Folks are there to greet you with a coffee each week and answer any questions you may have. We'd like to get to know you and serve you in your walk with the Lord.

Join us!

We are located near the intersection of I-64 and J Clyde Morris Boulevard in Newport News, VA. Consider joining us this weekend! Our Lord's Day service starts on Sunday at 10:30am followed by elder-led corporate prayer at 4:00 p.m.